
NYParkour's Parkour for Seniors Class!

Due to the increase in interest we've be getting over here we've decided to follow our friends in Boston & start our very first Parkour for Seniors program down here in NYC. Our Director Exo's been hard at work creating the program over the last couple of weeks, and has given us the green light to announce it.

So were opening up spots now for our first Seniors Parkour Sessions.

The class will be 4 -6 weeks for the Fall and will start outdoors in the arts intended environment, if the students like the program, we have an indoor facility that we'd be glad to move it to for additional winter sessions after the pilot.

The Sessions will focus on
*Repairing/furthering the mind body connection
*Increasing/developing Balance & Coordination,
*And of course, Proper Falling techniques to                                                  limit/eliminate fall related injures

The Class will target Students aged 50 and up, although we don't consider 50 year olds Seniors yet, The earlier your start the better!

The time and regular Day will be determined by the student group ,as of right now Sundays, Wednesday's, or Thursdays are the working options. If your interested in more info or being put on the Seniors class contact list so you can be aware of the plans as they solidify, shoot us an e-mail with the topic "Seniors Parkour" in the title to,

Sessions should starting up by the end October if not earlier so sign up today!

photo from

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